healthy dessert recipes mint chocolateOption 1: Mint Chocolate Pudding (serves 6):

  • ¼ cup chia seeds, whole or ground
  • 1 can whole-fat coconut milk (unsweetened)
  • 5 tbsp  cacao powder, unsweetened
  • Stevia or other low-glycemic sweetener
  • 5 large mint leaves

Instructions:  Empty the of can of coconut milk in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Add to blender whisked coconut milk, cacao powder, stevia and mint leaves. Blend until smooth and the mint leaves are blended completely into mixture. Pour back into large bowl and stir in chia seeds. If you prefer a smoother texture, use ground chia seeds (note: ground chia seeds may taste bitter).

healthy dessert recipes mint chocolate

Let sit for 10-15 minutes however, ideally overnight in the fridge.

Then top with a few fresh raspberries and enjoy!




Option 2: Mint Chocolate Pudding,
Protein Packed (serves 6)

  • 1 TBSP Collagen powder
  • 1 can full fat, coconut milk
  • 5 tbsp  cacao powder, unsweetened
  • Stevia or other low-glycemic sweetener
  • 5 large mint leaves


In blender mix together entire can of coconut milk, cacao powder, stevia and mint leaves. Blend until smooth and the mint leaves are blended completely into mixture.  Pour into a medium sauce pan and whisk while simmering on low for about 5 minutes to melt the coconut milk and dissolve into the mixture.  When warm pour back into blender.  Turn on blender on a slow setting and slowly pour in the 1 TBSp gelatin. Blend for 30 seconds.  Pour into serving size cups.

Place in the fridge for several hours then enjoy!

Note: For those of you who aren’t sensitive to vanilla, a tsp of vanilla extract can help to really smooth out the flavor texture in this and allow the chocolate to pop just a tad bit more. ?

healthy dessert recipes mint chocolate

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