are you a secret eater - you are not alone

If you’re a secret eater, you’re not alone. I used to secretly eat sugar out of a bag with a spoon when I could not find anything sweet to eat.

I could not stick to any diet. In fact, I dieted my way up the scale until I found myself 50 pounds overweight.

When I decided to stop dieting, stop looking for the next quick fix and INSTEAD decided to solve the emotionally eating… MY EATING CHANGED! My life changed. My weight changed.

I’m not perfect, I don’t expect myself to be perfect or eat perfectly clean. I don’t expect myself to exercise intensely every day but now I do WANT to eat healthy and exercise most of the time because it’s a loving thing to do for myself.

That is sustainable for the rest of my life!

What is sustainable for you to do for the rest of your life?

That, in my opinion, is what really matters.

That is how it is possible to be healthy and keep weight off. Life is so much better on the other side!

If you are struggling, I get it. Please know you are alone, it is not hopeless! This transformation is possible for you too! Just know it’s possible. ?

Breakfast: Turkey bacon, Orange, coffee with some unsweetened coconut milk and supplements.
Lunch: Chocolate protein shake with spinach
Dinner: Grassfed Lamb, Cabbage, and quinoa.
Exercise: 40 minutes around the track + 20 minutes on the elliptical.

Have a Blissfully Healthy Day!

With Love and Gratitude Always,


are you a secret eater - you are not alone

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