
“Why try again? I have gained the weight back too many times!”

“What makes this time any different? I have failed so many times, I am not worth the effort or the money to do this again…I will just gain the weight back anyways.” Sound familiar? Depending on how many times you have lost the weight and gained it back you may absolutely have lots of reasons not to try again. You may even have plenty of reasons that you are not ‘worth it’ to take the time, and do what it takes to release the weight for good.

I understand that it can be scary trying again. You even might be thinking: “What if people see me lose the weight and I just gain it all back again plus more? I just can’t stand the embarrassment one more time! I would rather just stay fat.” Or, you may be thinking: “It’s so hard losing weight and sticking with it, I’m just not ready to do it all again.”
Staying put where you are now, what kind of life is that? In telling yourself these things above, how is it inspiring you into action? The truth is that this type of self-blame, shame, or not feeling worthy is just allowing you to stay stuck. Yes, absolutely facing fears and putting in the work can be a road block to feeling motivated to change.

Take a moment to think:

  • What are you expecting the weight loss process to look like?
  • Are you expecting that you have to jump in ALL at one time and go from eating
    whatever you want now to eating only broccoli and chicken until you reach your
    goal weight?
  • That you have to wake up at 5 am and workout, hardcore, 60-minutes every morning
    when you cant even remember the last time you moved your body for longer than 5
    minutes at one time?

Anything like these thoughts listed above creates a very harsh and drastic approach that an emotional eater will use to create a backlash of self-sabotage and binge eating. This harsh approach in not long-lasting and is not what we do at Blissfully Healthy.

What if you really saw that it CAN BE different for you? What if the whole weight loss process and overcoming emotional eating can actually look different and is EASIER than what you have done before? What are you expecting this process to look like?

When you work on overcoming the emotional eating, one step at a time, the journey is EASIER and FASTER. Releasing the weight for good is easier when you are not fighting the emotional eating. The hard road is doing what you have always done–another diet and another diet failure.
It’s time to get out of your own way!

I invite you to consider:

  • Why do you want to try again?
  • What are you expecting the weight loss process and overcoming emotional eating
    to be like?
  •  What if it could be different?
  • Looking at your past experiences and learning from those, this does not have to be an all or nothing approach. What facts or evidence can you stack up to start seeing that you can do this?There will never be the perfect time to get started on your weight loss, and more importantly, your emotional eating recovery journey. When you are ready, know that honoring your self is the greatest gift that you can give to you and the people you love.

Start thinking about:

* What would you like to change?
* Why do you want to make this change?
* What gets in the way of you achieving the results you want?

Remember the Daily Boost journal you started? Write down your thoughts to help you create your answers as well as writing down anything that inspires you!


“JUST for TODAY, I consider all the facts and reasons why I can do this! Just for today I consider why I want to do this. Just for today I consider that it can look different for me. Just for today I am willing to try, knowing that I am good enough. I AM WORTHY of having the best health and happiness that I yearn for! Just for today I am worthy no matter how many times I have tried before in my life to change. I am worth it to live the life I love. Just for today I give my self permission to be worth this! I am allowed to have my ONE life be the best it can be!”

Would you like to ask some questions, share your struggles and come up with solutions together? Reserve a FREE Discovery Session to see if weight-loss coaching is a good fit for you. You don’t have to do this alone!

It's Time to Take Better Care of YOU!

Forever Fit Habit # 1 Create a Morning Routine:

  1. Wake Up Early!
    Even if you are not a morning person it is important to wake up with enough time to get your body started right. Get up and get moving by doing a light stretching routine to warm your body up.
    Allow yourself a few minutes to be present in the day before you rush out the door!
  2. A L W A Y S eat Breakfast!
    You need E N E R G Y to start your day so make sure you start you day right with a healthy mixture of Protein, Carbs & Fruits & Veggies!

Forever Fit Habit # 2:  Water, Water, Water: 

During the day, don’t forget to Drink W A T E R!  The Recommended daily water intake is at least half your body weight in ounces throughout the day. Hydration helps with a number of issues related to weight loss:

  1. Combats fatigue
  2. Flushes out toxins
  3. Moves matter through the intestinal tract reducing constipation
  4. Reduces appetite and the need for unnecessary eating

It is easy to get lost in the day but staying hydrated is an important part of healthy weight loss success so make sure to schedule your water breaks throughout the day!

Forever Fit Habit #3: Move 

This is a hard habit to stay consistent with especially if you have a job that requires you to be at a desk all day.  Just like scheduling your water breaks, you have to schedule time to get up and move!  Our bodies were not designed to be sedentary! Here’s a few recommendations to get started:

  1. Schedule a 15 minute move/stretch break every 2 hours throughout your day. Get up, leave your desk and walk inside or outside for at least 10-15 minutes.
  2. If you have a job that requires you to be at a desk for 8 hours a day ask your supervisor about an option for a standing desk.
  3. Consider purchasing a Fitbit or Activity Tracker and set the settings to remind you when you haven’t moved within a certain amount of time. If you don’t have an activity tracker, consider setting an alarm or stopwatch on your phone to go off every so often so that you make a plan to move.
  4. Consider closing your eyes for 10 seconds to help refresh your eyes from staring at a screen and to create a break from the blue light.

Forever Fit Habit #4:  Don’t let yourself get H-angry!

Being hungry tends to make people agitated and being hungry and angry is the worst possible combination!  Not only is it not fun, it is so much easier to emotional eat when you are starving!
The solutions is simple,  make a routine of eating every 3 hours to keep your blood sugar steady.  You will be happier and not be as tempted by treats around you or overeat.