Put an AND in there! - Coach Emmie - Emotional Eating Coach

In my last post we talked about the ‘OR’.  Finding the solution to your OR first has to start with you knowing that you are worthy and lovable so that you can put an AND in it.

In order for you to SEE where to start in CREATING the time, setting boundaries, putting the effort in or to use resources to heal emotional eating you need to really get that you are worth asking for what you need.  There may be sometimes that you getting what you need, yes, it may take away from others.  BUT in my experience since 2007 working with thousands of women there is an even better AND that comes out of it all. Let me explain.

One of the biggest things I hear from women considering releasing weight is that;

“I don’t have time or money to do this so I don’t do anything and just stay stuck.”

Let’s pretend you decide that you are worthy to have the life that you REALLY want.  One that is full of living a life FREE from emotional eating.  A life where you are loving the life you live because you feel vibrantly healthy!  Next from this place you stand up in knowing that you are wonderful and lovable and bravely ask your loved ones to support you in becoming a happier version of you.

  • What will your loved ones get from having a happier version of you?
  • Will they be happier too because your mood is happier and free?
  • Will your loved ones get to experience life doing the things that you all really want to do?

Put an ‘AND’ in there!  I can be healthy AND others can be happy.

Is that not the best AND you can find?  Lets take a look at a few others from yesterday.

OR : “I don’t have time to be healthy. If I take the time to cook healthy or go for a walk I will have to take time away from work (or my family) and they won’t like it. So I don’t take the time to be healthy”

AND: “I can watch a little less TV and sit down with my family and ask them what things they would like to eat this week.  Then I can have a smaller portion and add some veggies to the meal for me or even everyone.  I can take just 20 minutes to do this.  I can take time to cook healthy AND with my family’s input they will be on board!”

OR: If I use money to be healthy than we will not be able to eat out as much and my family won’t like that.  I can be healthy OR my family can be happy.”

AND:  Eating out 3 times a week is not getting me closer to my weight loss goal.  I am spending money on things that are taking me further away from where I want to go in my weight loss.  I can talk to my family about how much money we are spending in dinning out and how lowering it down to 1 or even 2 times per week would help save money and we would all be healthier.  I can use the money we save to invest in resources to help me heal emotional eating and lose weight!  We can still dine out, AND we will ALL get healthier.

I know this is a scary thing to consider asking for what you need.  SO do this when you are ready. In the meantime know that you are worthy of having the life you truly want to live!   No matter what resources you need to get you there, just know that you are worth it!

  • What are your OR statements?
  • How are you planning on turning them into an AND statement?
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